These market fluctuations may also materially and adversely affect case study answer market price of our common stock. Your inability to sell your shares during a decline in case study answer price of our stock may augment losses which you can suffer as a resultof your funding. We arbitrarily determined case study solution priceof case study answer Units to be sold pursuant to this prospectus, and such price may not reflect case study solution actual market price for case study answer securities. The initial offering priceof $1. 00 per Unit adding case study answer price of each of case study solution common stock and warrant comprising case study answer Unit offered pursuant to this prospectuswas determined by us arbitrarily. The price is not in accordance with our economic condition and prospects, market prices of identical securitiesof similar publicly traded agencies, bound economic and operating suggestions of agencies engaged in similar activitiesto ours, or regular circumstances of case study answer securities market. It came a week later in daunting 1and1/2 inch chunks which I determinedly put between two pieces of fabric and pulverized with a hammer to a size I/4 in where it could go into case study solution coffee grinder and hence decreased to powder which I then encapsulated in oo gel caps. Have been taking 1 a day and administering to family likewise. There was a virus in case study solution house at case study answer time which has since retreated. Im 72. My physical responses and critiques: This is a detox. Drink a lot of water!Some lethargy during initial detox, which has passed.