Numerous machines of this type emerged, typically marketed by basic office equipment businesses similar to IBM, Lanier AES Data machines re badged, CPT, and NBI. All were specialized, dedicated, proprietary techniques, with prices in case study resolution $10,000 range. Cheap commonplace purpose non-public computers were still case study answer domain of hobbyists. The final step in word processing came with case study resolution advent of case study answer personal computing device in case study solution late 1970s and 1980s and with case study answer next advent of word processing software. Word processing approaches that might create much more complicated and able text were built and costs began to fall, making them more available to case study solution public. The first word processing program for personal computer systems microcomputers was Electric Pencil, from Michael Shrayer Software, which went on sale in December of 1976. 2 million employee comments on Glassdoor. This interactive tool offers formerly untapped insights about case study answer organizational tradition of over 500 of case study solution worlds greatest businesses and provides leaders with new tools for benchmarking culture of their own agencies. On Feb. 5, 2018, Wells Fargo, then case study solution third largest bank in case study solution United States by assets, lost nearly $30 billion in market capitalization in one day. The Federal Reserve had barred case study solution bank from starting to be, as a penalty for establishing more than 2 million accounts without authorization from customers. 1 An investigation commissioned by case study solution banks unbiased directors concluded that case study solution root cause of case study answer fraudulent behavior was case study answer culture of case study solution division whose personnel opened case study solution money owed.