To increase your Alexa rank in case study answer long run, I would highly advised that one center around arising first-rate content which draws and keeps a large viewers as an alternative of purely focusing on artificially expanding your Alexa Rank. Great link worthy content material will leads to an herbal augment in site traffic and is a brilliant way to passively augment your Alexa rank. It is important to emphasize that you’ll want to devote most of your efforts in transforming into your site viewers alongside built-in implementation of any of case study answer following tips below. Install case study solution Alexa toolbar or Firefoxs SearchStatus extension and set your blog as your homepage. This is case study answer most basic step. Put up an Alexa rank widget in your web page. 2New York Times Magazine, “The Lawyer Who Became DuPont’s Worst Nightmare,” 1/6/2016. 3Bloomberg, “DuPont Found Liable in First of 3,500 Toxic Water Lawsuits,” 10/7/2015. 4Center for Effective Government, “Ten Years After Toxic Chemical Settlement, DuPont Failing to Keep Its Promises,” 5/7/2015. 5Bloomberg, “DuPont’s Teflon Neighbors Worry Chemours Won’t Pay Bills,” 5/7/2015. 6KPRC Houston, “Report finds series of errors caused deadly DuPont plant twist of fate in La Porte,” 9/30//2015. 7Center for Effective Government, “Blowing Smoke: Chemical Companies Say ‘Trust Us,’ But Environmental and Workplace Safety Violations Belie Their Rhetoric,” 10/22/2015.